Greetings Tackle Families!
As part of our continued efforts to keep our kids safe and healthy while playing the game they love, each tackle level player MUST take part in mandatory ImPact Testing.
This test is designed to set a baseline for your child's cognitive abilities before the season and, to be even more precise, that afternoon/evening. The test is a computerized assessment that measures Reaction Time, Memory Capacity, Speed of Mental Processing, and Executive Functioning of the brain.
This baseline will become a tool for medical professionals in the event your child suffers a head injury, and is used as the comparison data for a post-injury exam. The medical professional may, or may not, elect to review the test results based upon their own evaluation methods.
The test is totally free and is being offered by our friends at Glen Oaks Hospital.
Testing will be offered at different times on 7/25 & 7/26.
Please click the link below to sign up for a time that works best for you and your family.